Wednesday, 15 January 2014

kayaking in bc article assignment part 3

Colin Kew January 15, 2014 Sea kayaking in B.C Place of Wonder Sea kayaking in British Colombia Queen Charlotte Island-Laurie March Rating: good I think the article pretty interesting. It’s about how you can go kayaking to some islands in B.C and sees all the nature, people, food and culture there. The article explains that it is best to visit the place in the spring due to the nice weather and amazing scenery. You can take two different routes you can notify the coast guard and go in alone but you must be good at survival in case you get in trouble. Or you can take a giant 7-day cruise ship that lets you rest there for the night. This has affected me because this actually sounds like a somewhat fun trip and I may want to try it one day. They mention a lot in the article about how fragile the area is so it starts to make me think how dangerous humans are to other species and how easy it is for us to destroy that habitat. I learned that B.C has a place with amazing environments and species such as the charlotte islands and the cool areas you can visit like the waterfalls and the underwater coves. It has inspired me to get out and see the world better. I don’t think the article will make me change my behaviour but I totally will change my actions towards the environment. Works and cites recorded by Laurie March

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