Monday, 2 June 2014

The Happy Camper: Wi-Fi at our Campgrounds?

By Kevin Callan

Rating: 3 Stars

Technology strikes again! It seems technology is not only getting better and easier to use, but it is also creeping into the places where it seems to have no place — in this case, nature parks.

The article talks about how Parks Canada has decided to provide Wi-Fi within ‘some of our national parks’ and discusses the ensuring responses of different opinions. Some people are for having Wi-Fi at places such as a campground’s visitor centre as they claim it encourages people who stay at home on their computers to go camping. Conversely, others are against it, proclaiming that it is ‘better to connect to nature than to your iPad’.

This article affected me as it made me realize that even in places where people go to be away from technology, they can still not escape it. Technology is following them, permeating every single aspect of their lives.

Furthermore, this article made me think about the extent that technology has encompassed our lives — the use of it nowadays is so widespread that it is almost impossible to elude it.

When people believe in a certain cause, they will go to great lengths to support it in every way they can. For example, those that are against technology in nature don’t even want people who use technology outdoors to camp with them, believing ‘[people that use technology in nature] should just stay at home and pacify their addiction’.

This article inspired me be more outspoken against technology in areas where it is not a necessary component of life. However, I disagree with the radical beliefs that technology should be banned completely. On the contrary, I think technology is very important in our lives but needs to be regulated in places of nature.

This article caused me to be more grateful of places where technology is not dominant everywhere around you — places like conservation areas where one can go camping or hiking without having to pull out their phone every couple minutes.

In conclusion, Wi-Fi at campgrounds is a good way of getting people who use technology out of the house to enjoy nature, as they would still retain their connectivity, even away from home. However, in today’s world, you can use technology at any time, so it makes sense to sometimes let it go, even for a little bit.

Callan, Kevin. "The Happy Camper: Wi-Fi at our Campgrounds?." Explore Magazine. N.p., 5 May 2014. Web. 2 June 2014. <>.

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