Friday, 28 March 2014

Naked Tourists Hit Machu Picchu

Author: Nick Kelley
Rating: **1/2

      When travelling to historic and physically striking areas around the world, taking a picture to capture the moment is one of the first things that comes to mind. For some, this involves no clothing. At the top of Machu Picchu in Peru, the amount of naked tourism is increasing. As tourists reach new heights in the Inca Citadel, they are stripping down to fully take in the experience of such a wondrous place. Authorities are beginning to crack down on these free spirits by threatening to create rules about exploring the area. These include having to hire an official tour guide to enter, following one of three predetermined routes through the complex, and following time limits at specific points along routes to keep the tours flowing.

      I find this article interesting because travel and tourism is such an incredible experience! It makes me think about all of the parts of the world that have restrictions on them, not allowing travellers to fully experience the culture and beauty of the surrounding environment. With such limitations, we become naive to the rest of the world and the way of their people. In some cultures, nudity is very offensive. At the same time, some cultures encourage such actions! This article allows me to think about the many cultures and ways of life not taught in schools and how the different perspectives of such cultures can really get a person thinking. Next time I travel somewhere where I experience a big culture shock, I will be sure to remember this article and take a step back to really appreciate both the growing and dying cultures practiced around the world, and hey who knows, maybe that includes being naked!

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