Monday, 16 December 2013

Cooking Outdoors

The Report

People enjoy camping and having fun outdoors with families and peers. But if you are not aware of few facts, it may cause serious problems and could take away all the fun during your trips. This report contains how to build fire and eat safely.

Danger of Eating Outdoors

Cooking outdoors may seem simple as it sounds, but if you don't follow the safety procedures, it could lead to a nightmare. First of all, we all know that we cannot eat rotten food. But without fridge, what would you do? We need to somehow preserve food in order to prevent food-born bacteria from multiplying. When you are having a barbeque outside, make sure you keep the surface clean and keep all the raw meat away from each other to avoid cross-contamination. Proper temperature when grilling the meat is also crucial. Surprising or not, the utensils are one of the biggest cause of cross-contamination. By using multiple utensils, it keeps the germ away from separate food. Separating raw food and cooked food is very important especially during summer with lots of sunlight. Not only the raw meat products, but also egg-based products such as home made dressings can be hazardous. 

How to Build a Campfire for Cooking:

- Prepare the fire pit by placing rocks around the pit in a reasonable size
- Fill the fire area with crumpled paper or tinder and lay the kindling on top of the paper
- Set a bucket of water near the fire pit to prepare for an accident
- Build fire and when the kindle catches on fire, place coals in the pit
- You're all set to cook with the fire

There are many good recipes that are suitable for cooking outside (food that does not rot too fast, energy-filling food with lots of nutrition, etc.)

Title: Campfire Cooking by eartheasy

Rating: **

This ensured me the dangers of preserving food and cooking in a wrong manner outdoors. It made me think about how I should take it into a factor on what I eat, where I eat, and how to preserve and prepare the food when you're out camping. I learned that I must separate the food when you're having a barbeque to avoid cross-contamination. It will affect my behaviour somewhat because I always thought that eating delicious food is all we need when we're out camping, but it made me consider about health issues and safety concerns.

eartheasy (n.d.). eartheasy. Retreived from


  1. Very interesting article! I also learned a lot about cross-contamination at my part-time job since i'm working with raw meat and how important it is to sanitize!

  2. Lots of great information! I will keep those tips in mind next time I'm preparing food outside
