Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Dangers of hiking unprepared

This article explains the dangers of going hiking when not fully prepared. When you head for an exciting and dangerous journey of hiking you have to make sure that you are fully prepared and know what you are doing or you can get into serious trouble.

This article goes into detail about how three American hikers head to Iraq to hike the Zagros mountains and come into some trouble because they didn't know what they were getting into. These American hunters went hiking on the Zagros mountains which lie near the boarder of Iraq and Iran. The Americans went at the hight of summer and the path they chose to take was deserted. Through non preparation, ignorance and cultural misunderstanding they ended up straying off the path into Iran. They were brought to jail by the Iran boarder guards thinking that they were American spies.

What this article shows is that when going out into the wilderness without any preparation and knoledge of the outdoors it can make you end up in places you didn't want to be. In conclusion I would give this article three and a half stars for teaching future hikers about the dangers of hiking when poorly prepared.

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